Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Welcome to Just Yoking

So, I figured by now I can go ahead and have my own blog. After all, Biscuit has 3 MySpace pages and about 7 screen names. And here I am with one measly AOL e-mail account that I've had since 1997. I've had practically zero cyber-presence thus far, and enough is enough.
This blog is a way for me to blow my opinion around and to communicate with my dear uncle Beast who passed away on October 9, 2006. About a year before he died, he began a blog called "kvelling" where he basically kvelled about his life, friends and family. If you ever have the inclination to check out his blog, it's http://kveller.blogspot.com You can be sure that I will write about him in my upcoming blogs. I'm going to try and cover a wide array of topics: some, hopefully, thought provoking but mostly it's just me flapping my gums- don't expect much.
Feel free to respond to these blogs and bring up old stories we might share. There will likely be some vocabulary that I use in my particular brand of southern Jew swamp vernacular that you might not get just yet. Hang in there-you'll pick it up. As I write this, Bisq just walked in, read this over my shoulder and said "oh, this is for your readers," cackled and walked away. He'll get his...
Alright, that's that. I'll try to throw in some photos here and there, some surveys, graphs, and restaurant reviews and whatever else I can throw in to keep you coming back for more.

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