Monday, March 12, 2007

Dehydrated and Spent

I'm just coming off of a family weekend, hence the title of this blog. My stepmother's nephew had his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, so I attended a Reconstructionist Synagogue for services, followed by a party at the Santa Monica Pier. Then, on Sunday, the honour of our presence was requested at yet another event: brunch at the Luxe Hotel in Bel-Air.
I wonder if the omelet that I had at yesterday's brunch was fully cooked....or maybe the eggs sitting out in a pitcher at the omelet station had sat too long?? Later in the day, Bisq, Zev, Ya-el, Isobel and I went hiking in Griffith Park. It was then and there that my stomach began churning, and I began running down the hill to get to the public restrooms.
As my mom put it, "these are the perils that come with eating outdoors."
Today I am at home in my pj's dealing with this intestinal issue and avoiding the outside world.
Rumor has it, it's very hot outside.
Tomorrow we are off to see our palm reader, Singh Modi. He is in L.A. for a couple of days, reading palms at some store called Hari Casuals. I wonder what my palm will have to say this time. He's been fairly insightful for me over the past 5 years, and I find it useful to be armed for whatever's around the bend. I'll report back after my reading.

1 comment:

Potty Talk said...

I ate at Gates of India last night -- it's an Indian restaurant here in Santa Monica near the 3d Street promenade. We should have walked out when we saw that they had hummous on the menu. I've had intestinal issues all day too -- actually, the moment the meal ended I've been a solid body excrement machine. All day today too. Maybe it was something in that plantain Val and I shared at the bar mitzvah party on the pier, but I think the Indian food did it in. If I have any other fecal updates to provide, I will provide that information right here.